Who we are

Space nerds. Design divas. Finish fetishists. We’ve been putting offices and work spaces together for most of our working lives – and it still gets our juices going. In a rare moment of corporate tick-boxing, we’d describe ourselves as a fresh-thinking, client-focused, agile design-and-build business specialising in workplace projects.

Basically, it’s all about you. We give you exactly what you want, not what’s best for us or our profit margin.

Talent and teamwork make your space sparkle with your personality. We bring in bright young minds, but keep them grounded through the experience of the best people in the industry. If we need additional skills, we work with like-minded organisations to give your project the resources and the technical know-how it deserves.

Creativity Unchained

Nothing holds us back. Neither time limits nor budget hassles. We think afresh each time to create a unique design that has your personality written all over it. No more same-old, same-old; we hop to it.

With a. Hop, Skip, and a jump.


years of combined
partner experience


go-getters make
one talented team


your own unique

What We Do

CAT B & office relocations




Mixed-use buildings

Workplace analysis

Occupancy & space refits

Remote-working furniture & technology upgrades

Front of house, WC & common parts

Demise wall splits

Refurbs in situ

Branding or re-branding

Office refresh

to the
new Space